Expiry reviews

When we initiate an expiry review of a finding or an order, we issue a notice of expiry review and notify the Canada Border Services Agency of our decision. 

The purpose of an expiry review is to determine whether the imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing duties remains necessary. There are two phases in an expiry review. The first phase is the investigation by the Agency to determine whether there is a likelihood of resumed or continued dumping or subsidizing if the finding or order expires. If it determines that such likelihood exists with respect to any of the goods, the second phase is our inquiry into the likelihood of injury or retardation arising from the resumption or continuation of the dumping or subsidizing. If the Agency determines that there is no likelihood of resumed dumping or subsidizing for any of the goods, we don’t consider the goods in our subsequent determination of the likelihood of injury and we issue an order rescinding the order or finding with respect to them.

Our procedures in expiry reviews are similar to those in final injury inquiries. Upon completion of an expiry review, we issue an order with reasons, rescinding or continuing a finding or order, with or without amendment. If a finding or order is continued, it remains in force for a further five years, unless an interim review is initiated and the finding or order is rescinded. If the finding or order is rescinded, imports are no longer subject to anti-dumping or countervailing duties.